To our ASPREE participants and GP Associate Investigators, The ASPREE team sincerely thanks you for supporting...
ASPREE Investigator interview on Radio National Health Report
A recap on aspirin and primary prevention aspirin trials Professor Mark Nelson, Chief Investigator to the...
World-first Aspirin Trial Reaches Target
Announcement Melbourne, December 1, 2014 – Australia’s largest clinical trial is a step closer to revealing in...
Aspirin and Cancer Symposium draws leading researchers
Possible mechanisms of aspirin discussed ANNOUNCEMENT Melbourne, 20 October 2014: The use of aspirin to...
ASPREE study update in Ballarat
Presentation to local participants and guests Ballarat weather may have forgotten it was spring, but it didn’t put a...
Researcher showcases her community
Wonthaggi's support for Medical Research Dr Sharyn Fitzgerald, ASPREE Regional Manager, visited her home town...
Sleep apnoea sub-study
Why are ASPREE participants wearing a monitor in their own bed overnight? Sleep apnoea refers to breathing...
Why ASPREE participants are pushing buttons in the name of science
New ASPREE hearing sub-study Two-thirds of older adults over the age of 70 years experience hearing loss...
Where’s the ASPREE Biobus?
Crossing the Victoria/South Australia Border Above: The ASPREE Healthy Ageing Biobus, a mobile laboratory that...
Aspirin May Reduce Cancer Risk in Middle-Aged; Benefit in Older People Unknown
Lack of data underscores importance of ASPREE trial A large scientific review revealed that aspirin protected people...