Biorepository expertise shared with Museum Victoria

Biorepository expertise shared with Museum Victoria

Representatives from Museum Victoria recently visited the new Monash University DEPM Biorepository to learn about the inner workings of the state-of-the-art long term storage facility. Museum Victoria is building their own cryostorage facility to preserve samples of...
ASPREE Healthy Ageing Biobank travels

ASPREE Healthy Ageing Biobank travels

We are fortunate to have a terrific Biobank research team with a yen for travel and good food. Led by Tom Gilbert, the Biobank team of ten has clocked up hundreds of hours flying or driving around south-eastern Australia, to collect and process blood and urine samples...
ASPREE’s Golden Day on Radio

ASPREE’s Golden Day on Radio

The President of Golden Days FM, Melbourne’s Senior Broadcast radio, recently spoke to Professor Andrew Tonkin, a senior investigator to the ASPREE trial, on the progress of the study.     Prof Tonkin (pictured left) is Head of the Cardiovascular Research Unit at...
Year: 2015