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2023 ASPREE online study update
Earlier this year, members of the ASPREE team in Australia and the US contributed to three online study updates. This video is a compilation of all of webinars and gives an overview of project aims and progress, including future plans and answers frequently asked questions.
Hear from Brenda Kirpach, who is Director of ASPREE in the US, as well as from research investigators and GPs, Prof Mark Nelson (TAS) and Prof Nigel Stocks (SA).
To find more information about topics covered in the webinar follow these links: about our team, about ASPREE findings and FAQs; about ASPREE sub-studies; the location of study centres; published scientific papers that used ASPREE data; and ASPREE project research news and stories.
Enjoy watching a few videos created during the ASPREE project – from its launch, to media interest, to several special Australians who supported the project.
Summary of ASPREE Clinical Trial Findings (September, 2018)
Community Service Announcements (CSA)
Ita Buttrose and Gus Nossal lent their support to the ASPREE project by featuring in several CSAs. Our thanks extends to Australian TV networks that aired the CSAs about the public good study.
Ita Buttrose
- ASPREE 30 second Community Service Announcement featuring Australian of the Year, Ita Buttrose (2015)
Gus Nossal
ASPREE 30 second Community Service Announcement featuring Sir Gus Nossal (2012-2013)
Study updates and centre launches
ASPREE Study Update in Mildura (August, 2014)
ASPREE Study Update in Bendigo (June, 2014)
Launch of Wollongong Clinical Trial Centre (October 2013)
ASPREE Study Update in Albury (August, 2013)
ASPREE Study Update in Bendigo (May, 2012)
SBS World News (March, 2012)
Official launch of the ASPREE Clinical Trial (2009)
Please note, ASPREE contact details in this video are outdated. Our website is and our contact phone number is 1800 728 745.

Biannual ASPREE newsletters are sent to ASPREE-XT study participants, providing an easy to read update on research progress, major developments, publications and findings.
Project updates geared towards the medical community are sent to GPs and practices with patients in the study. Reseachers involved in the ASPREE project, or with an interest in the research, are updated on developments and outcomes by the Principal Investigators.
Research investigators frequently share study findings at professional conferences nationally and internationally, driving advancements in knowledge in health and ageing.

ASPREE investigators frequently contribute to specialist and broader media articles.
Journalists and writers who would like to know more about the ASPREE project or arrange an interview with key investigators on the project, should contact:
E: Ph: 1800 728 745
Contact us
Participant, GP and general enquiries
Ph: 1800 728 745 (free call from a landline)
Operating 9am-5pm weekdays (we will return missed calls)
ASPREE National Co-ordinating Centre,
School of Public Health and Preventive Medicine, Monash University
Level 2, 553 St.Kilda Road, Melbourne 3004
Page updated: 15 July 2024
Walking for transport at least once a week may help some older people live longer: ASPREE study
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