Daily aspirin users might need a PPI Elderly patients taking daily aspirin after a stroke or MI (heart...
ASPREE investigator reflects on public-good clinical trials
Prof Chris Reid shares 30 years experience in medical research Professor Chris Reid is a Director of the Monash...
ASPREE international researcher meet-up
Earlier this month we welcomed our U.S. research collaborators from the Berman Center for Outcomes and Clinical...
NHMRC Funding Boost for Australia’s Largest Clinical Aspirin Trial
Australian Government funding for ASPREE Completion The ASPREE Clinical Trial received more than $5.5 million...
Aspirin overview: history, use, secondary prevention and primary prevention
Weekly Dose: aspirin, the pain and fever reliever that prevents heart attacks, strokes and maybe cancer Aspirin...
Dementia Awareness Month
Reminding people impacted by dementia that they are not alone ASPREE warmly welcomes and thanks Ann...
Can aspirin prevent depression in older adults?
ASPREE investigates effect of aspirin on depression Many may have read with interest an article on the ASPREE-D...
ASPREE and US aspirin guidelines
Researchers cite ASPREE to inform aspirin guidelines in older adults International researchers anticipate...
ASPREE-Hearing study design for aspirin test
Journal paper describes rationale and design of the new ASPREE hearing sub-study Loss of hearing can have a...
UK study on aspirin and recurrence of a cancer
Late last month saw the launch of an aspirin study called ADD-Aspirin to investigate whether aspirin can be used to...