ABC Gippsland radio interview on ASPREE launch in Traralgon

Sep 28, 2010

Spreading the ASPREE word ahead of Gippsland launch


ASPREE Executive Officer, A/Professor Robyn Woods recently spoke to Celine Foenander from the ABC morning program about the newly launched Traralgon Clinical Trial Centre, the purpose and aims of the trial, and the importance of local older residents to the research.

Listen to the interview here.


Above: ASPREE Executive Officer, Associate Professor Robyn Woods spoke to ABC Gippsland radio about the ASPREE trial.



ASPREE would like to thank ABC Gippsland radio for permission to replay this interview on our website.

Updated 7.04.2021

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CliniciansABC Gippsland radio interview on ASPREE launch in Traralgon